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Run off and Erosion Control

All Terrapin Aquatics inquires begin with a free detailed consultation, standard water analysis, and aquatic survey.

Erosion Control

Terrapin Aquatics Management

Good management practices can keep landscapes visually attractive while conserving  water resources, reducing pollution and protecting your aquatic ecosystem.

Water can be kept fairly clear by making sure the banks are well planted.  Using a variety of native species will enhance the beauty in and around the body of water, as well as limit unwanted nutrients and protect the shoreline. Here are some recommendations for proper buffer zone plantings:  Native Plants (marsh marigold/water iris/ purple coneflower), Grassy plants (rush/ sedges/ grasses), Trees (Silver Birch/ Mountain Ash/ Crabapple).  

Good management practices can keep landscapes visually attractive while conserving  water resources, reducing pollution and protecting your aquatic ecosystem.

Helpful tips and best management practices for Runoff control and Erosion:

  • use a mulching lawnmower (this can reduce fertilizer use by as much as 25%)
  • do not allow grass clippings to fall into pond
  • do not place compost bin next to ponds edge
  • avoid the use of- phosphorous- based fertilizers
    • phosphorous negatively impacts the ecological balance of aquatic plants
  • do not spread fertilizer within 15 feet of native or beneficial plants around pond
  • integrate a 3- 5 foot minimum buffer zone around pond
    • consider planting native vegetation as an alternative
  • regularly scoop up and dispose of pet waste, do not dispose of pet waste in body of water