Awww, look at the little goslings! How cute?
One of the top conflicts between humans and Canadian geese is the accumulation of feces and its relationship to poor water quality, usually in high traffic, recreational areas. Goose droppings, which are high in nitrogen and phosphorus can contribute to nuisance blooms of algae and aquatic plants. An excess in algae and aquatic plants can potentially lead to fish kills due to oxygen depletion at night through plant respiration.
Geese eat grass, graze on plants, as well as trample emerging seedlings. These habits cause agricultural, property, and erosion damage along the shorelines of lakes and ponds.
Although geese and their goslings may be cute, they do present many conflicts, especially with those who own or live on waterfront. Thankfully there are several strategies that can be used to detour their arrival. Creating native buffer zones or using repellents and visual deterrents are a few cost effective methods that can keep geese away and help to protect your shoreline and body of water from erosion problems, nuisance algae blooms, and submerged weed growth.
Away with Geese light is an inexpensive effective way to keep unwanted waterfowl and nutrients out of your body of water. Click Here for more information.
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